Back Again!

I have neglected my blog of late, the reason for this is due to my ever improving mental health.

Which is wonderful, but I had intended this to document my good times as well as the not so good.


I have done an awful lot since my last post, I have been to England several times, to Devon and Cornwall most recently, which was wonderful, and i'm very glad to say I have made some very strong friendships through this internet nonsence, namely Twitter, which does lie unused these days, as I spend more time on Facebook.

Also attended a few parties, nights out and a wedding! All of this still amazes me from time to time as it seems that I have progressed so quickly over the past 12 months, I now still suffer the same initial anxiety in social situations, but it fades and i do not let it control me, i now know how to control it, with breathing and other relaxation techniques.

The dark days still show up now and again, but again they no longer are in control, where in days gone, I would have curled up on the couch and festered in my misery, I now get off my fat arse and move, out walking or if possible i'll meet someone.

Speaking of my fat arse, I am back on a healthy diet and feeling more determined than ever to lose weight, for my good friends wedding in July of next year.

Recently I managed to get five of my photographs put forward for publishing in a local mental health newsletter, through this and the accompanying write up it is hoped that it will give other people who are struggling with mental health issues, incentives to get out in the fresh air with camera, as it has done wonders for me and continues to do so.

I shall continue to update this from time to time,

Andy D