Better day

Woke today after five hours sleep feeling worse than when finally fell over.
I don't believe that sleep is all about quantity, I'd have taken two hours of restful sleep over what i got five hours of intermittent restless sleep.
Tomorrow I'm going to Glasgow so today took my dog to my mum who is gonna look after her to let me make a day of it.
Although my mood was very low and I was anxious and tired, I got the dog and myself into a taxi and off too family home.
The greeting I get when i go visit always warms me, my full family are great support to me, and it wasn't too long before my mood was lifting. Being social with people I love can and often does do wonders for my mood.
I'm now home and it feels strangely nice to be dog free though I will miss the company.
If you read this Nikki, yes it was typed whilst in bath ;0)
Off to bed soon for at least a few hours of restful sleep I hope.


  1. Hahahaha naked blogging x

  2. Next time you blog from your phone TURN THE CAM Thanks John
