To Earth with a thump

I apologise for any mistakes as I'm writing this from my iPod.
Today ain't so good, my beloved laptop I fear has given up the ghost, tried to reboot with discs I bought online, but to no avail.
Anyway that seriously pissed me off and i suppose i'v let that affect me by not just saying it's a replaceable gadget and nothing more,
But I only left the flat today to get food , which isn't uncommon on a Saturday as I like to distance myself from the crowded town and shops on Saturdays, but I didn't even make myself go a walk today, I actually have only spoken over the phone today.
Had option to visit an aunt this afternoon and visit mum this evening but instead I sat in and wallowed in self pity. Have managed to turn something trivial into a trigger for a mood drop, kinda pathetic really.
Anyway tomorrow is defiantly another day and I shall make amends for today.