Changing Seasons

Another week another blog, this past week has been great!
I went to Arran to show my friends, Nikki and John what all the fuss was about, i was disappointed in the weather as it was dull, with the peaks all cloud covered, but they both agreed that they liked it like that said it felt like the Scotland they had expected to see. We went to Brodick and Lamlash and had a great time wandering and enjoying the Isle, and i believe a return visit is on the cards.
Tuesday i had to get Terri back as my mum was baby sitting and i got a nurse of young Erin she has to be the most contented baby i've known, adorable. Then it was back to mine, for a visit from my c.p.n, my new c.p.n who seems to be very nice and i think we will get on great, although, as i am on such good form at the moment i wouldn't be surprised if he thought there is and never has been anything wrong with me :~) Then John and Nikki came round for coffee, and took myself and Terri out a drive to Troon, it wasn't the best of weather and they weren't as impressed with the town as they are with Ayr, but Terri loved her wee walk along the beach.
That night we went out for dinner to Ceccinis which is a very nice Italian restaurant in centre of Ayr and had a lovely meal. That was my time up with my new friends for now but i intend going to visit them on their home turf in the imminent future, should be fun.
Wednesday was an awful morning although it brightened in the afternoon i used the morning weather as an excuse to have a very lazy day.
Thursday i hadn't slept too well the night before (probably due to doing nothing all Wednesday) but decided to go out a walk that had been recommended by a friend was a lovely morning and i managed 9 miles of a much longer walk, is the furthest i have been in a very long time.
Friday i suspected I'd be stiff and sore from yesterday's walk but was very pleased that i had no ill effects and managed a walk out to Kincaidston, another 5 miles, and had a delicious dinner, just me and my dad which doesn't happen very often so was nice.
Yesterday i went a walk along the beach, but was windy and rainy, was a very temperamental day, rain and wind off and on all day, i found that although i wasn't suffering any pain from my exertions the past few days my legs were just tired out and didn't agree with the full walk i had planned, still managed a good 5 miles though. Then home and some housework, before rather annoyingly falling asleep for two hours which will be the reason i haven't slept at all so far tonight.
Looking like today is going to be lazy day, it's been raining heavily all night and i reckon it may well continue.

My attitude towards food seems to be changing as the season does, now that it's getting darker, and a bit wilder outdoors, I'm back to being tempted into comfort eating, it certainly isn't to do with my mood this time as although i have problems financially which would have brought me down in the past, i am still on top form, i guess it is just old habits dieing hard, but die they shall.


  1. "Old habits can't just be thrown out of the upstairs window...they have to be coaxed down the stairs one step at a time." Mark Twain

    Sounds as if you created a great week for yourself Andy!

    What about some thick homemade soups now that winter is knocking at the door? They would be comforting yet healthy :)

    Hope you have another good week
    Lindyloo x

  2. Thanks so much for showing us around Ayr and Arran,We couldn't of wished for a better or more friendly time.You missed out on the 2 days of sunshine we enjoyed and the fine dining at the chesnuts hotel.I'm still smiling at Terri's possessiveness of you,warning Nikki off lol
    We're both looking forward to your visit to us so we can return the favour.
