Tough Week

This week has been a bit of a tough one, the realisation that my gran will soon be leaving us has hit home a little harder than expected. Is easy to say it is for the best (which it is) but it is still a sad time as she struggles.
Had some really good days all the same, Tuesday i got weighed again and had lost another 2lbs, this week though i have been eating a lot more and comfort eating more than past weeks, so will see what happens come Tuesday this coming week.
After the weigh in i went a wonderful walk with my dad, around the Loch Doon area and got some cracking pictures, was around abouts 13 miles in total.
I have walked around 5 miles a day this week which i am very pleased with, i find that when i'm feeling very low, or anxious a brisk march takes the edge off and i am more mellow which is always a good thing.
As i said it has been tough found out on Friday evening that my gran has had another stroke, and if there is no sign of improvement by Monday, they are going to remove her drip and letter nature take it's course, i do hope that this is how it plays out as she has more than certainly been through enough.
My brother popped round for a little visit last night and i felt better after having some good company, as it's been a lonely few nights, but i will get back on form soon i'm sure.
To morn is natural, but Friday night was dark even by my standards, old thoughts of self harm rearing there ugly head, of course nothing i acted on, i simply went to bed very early.
Last night i slept for a full 9 hours, and went out a walk along the beach, is a fine day here after a frosty start, and it was good to stretch my legs after a full nights sleep, and today is a better day, hopefully tomorrow even more so.
That's about all i have this week, will have some adventures this week so i have something to write next week!
Is only one more week until i head down to England, and although things are a little dark this week, i am very much still looking forward to that :)

1 comment:

  1. So sorry that you've had a tough week.The stress and sadness of your Grans decline is enough to pull anybody down.However,the manner in which you have managed your emotions is a fine display of the new Andy.
    Re your visit here,Nikki is afraid that after your weightloss she might not recognise you so if you could wear a kilt and carry a Haggis it would help!
