Been A While!

It has again been a good while since I last posted, just recovering from a low period, longest since this time last year. Never been good in the run in to that happy time Christmas.

Was hoping to avoid the winter blues this year but to no avail. It's difficult when things are going so well around me, lot's of positive things happening, yet I'm a sour faced git. Anyway the worst is hopefully behind me now and I wanted to note all the positive advancements that are happening.

I shall soon be moving flat, not far from here but a much nicer area and property, which will be a great leap forward. :~)

Also I recently applied for a couple of volunteer posts, and today I heard back from them both!

The first is actually getting a depression self help group up and running in Ayr, which will be a huge challenge that I'm really looking forward to, it will involve trying to get others to take a role in the building of the group, as it seems I am the first to put my name forward, so I shall get in touch with my CPN and see if he has anyone that would be interested and capable of helping.

The other is for be-friending, people with similar health problems to myself, and I've to go in to the local volunteer office for a interview, to find out more and to be assessed.

I'd imagine both will have to wait till the new year with me moving but both will be big steps for me and who knows where I'll be led from taking part.