New Home.

So I moved, and I'm now settled in my lovely new flat. The move did bring up a fair bit of anxiety, and my mood dipped, but it's settling and I am back in control.

I am still waiting to hear from Action On Depression, for info on the training sessions, which I shall be attending in Glasgow, training in how to go about setting up a self-help group. This I am still really looking forward to and think it is definitely a good first step into getting back into work. I certainly do not want to be living off benefits for the rest of my days, as many people with my condition seem to do. I'd much rather be working, right now though jumping feet first into full time employment would more than likely do me more harm than good, I am being repeatedly told "baby steps". Who knows where this voluntary work will lead.

Not long till a couple of friends visit from England, few days in Ayr and also visiting a friend up North, which shall be fun, brilliant cheap as chip deals with Travelodge, make it possible, the scenery there, and on the road up is spectacular. So very much looking forward to it!

Walking quite long distances again, and thoroughly enjoying it, covering over ten miles easily. Unfortunately I'm eating like a feckin pig, and although I don't think I'm getting bigger, the weight is not falling off either.
Less munching, more miles is what's needed for sure, still aiming to lose a fair bit of weight before the big wedding in July!

Overall things are great, I just need to keep the momentum moving onwards and upwards :~)


  1. Good positive blog :)

  2. I've just been reading your blog from this time last year.Its amazing the things that you achieved during 2011 after such a low start.
