Set Backs

Has been a long time since my last post!
Mostly due to my struggling to find motivation to do things, and an overwhelming tiredness that seems to have attached itself to me.
I am in a rut that is new to me, as i don't think it has anything to do with my usual depression, i am familiar with lethargy which i can mostly push myself through, and get over.
Past few weeks when i push myself i end up needing to step back to recover, rather than it helping.
I went to my G.P and she took blood to make sure my thyroid function was ok, fortunately it is, and I was pleased as well that my diabetes test came back good too.
So am i just needing a right good slap?? Am i just being a lazy bastard??
I know one thing the rate i'm putting weight back on is affecting me, my back and knees ache again when i'm out walking.
I am pissed off as this is the longest spell of being in a positive state of mind, and i feel it is slipping away from me when i should making the most of it.
I am meeting with my old CPN Laura on Thursday, and hopefully she will have some suggestions for me, as for first time in years i am at a loss for what to do next, all i can think of is 'get over it' that doesn't seem to be working!
I have started chatting on Twitter again which is good for me as it means i'm not just sitting listening to music all day, and my online friends are a great source of support when i'm not out meeting friends in the 'real world'.
Is quite ironic that this post comes from me in a stable 'normal' mood yet it has a lower tone, than when i was going through a depression.