Tempus Fugit

Has been a bloody quick week this past one, and another good one!
Sunday to Tuesday were pretty much written off due to attack of MANFLU version 2.0 second bout in two months so wasn't impressed.
I did go to get weighed in on Tuesday and have lost another 3lbs which takes the weight watcher total to 30lbs lost and only another 2lbs to get to the 10% body weight loss :~)
I have been pleasantly surprised that even though i have been under the weather and at times my sleep pattern has been terrible, my mood has been constantly positive, i am taking this as very much a step forward for me and now feel a lot stronger in my ability to plan things in advance as i can trust that my mood is not as likely to just slip.
Wednesday my aunt took me out for lunch, a nice drive and a tasty lunch was had.
Thursday was just a day around the flat housework and boring stuff like that, but was looking forward to Friday as my brother was bringing a friend round and we were gonna have a wee drink before they went out.
He did not make it out we ended up getting decidedly pished, and he spent the night on the couch was really good fun and i do hope we repeat it with a little less alcohol.
Also on Friday i booked bus tickets to go and visit my friends, who were up here the other week, very excited about it, will be the longest trip i've taken in 7 yrs and first time south of the border in 16 years.
I do occasionally have to stop and check myself to make sure that i'm not imagining that i am able to get on with things the way i have been recently. After all it was only a few years ago i struggled stepping foot over the door, and matter of a year ago that walking out the scheme caused such a violent panic attack that i was physically sick.
Look at me now :~)
And if i can do this who knows...........................................?