New Friends

This week has flown past, and has been a good one.
I have done a lot of walking, as i had a poor week last, i was determined to get motivated and give myself the proverbial kick up the bum, to get my focus back and my healthy head back on. I gave myself Sunday as a rest day and had a lazy one.
On Monday i met my mum for coffee and she suggested we walked out to Kincaidston for dinner, is a 5 mile walk so a good re-introduction to the world of walking, and i was pleasantly surprised that i managed the walk at a good pace without much difficulty. Had a lovely dinner too.
Tuesday my C.P.N Laura was visiting and we had a good chat she was pleased that i was getting back on track, and put my slip in mood and sleep pattern down man-flu 2010 which was still lingering in the form of a cough(which has now also gone:)) I also had a reasonable 5 hours sleep the night before which was great even if it did mean i missed my weight watchers weigh in. I weighed in on my Wii Fit and had put on 3lbs according to it, which made me more determined than ever.
Wednesday my sister came and took me out in the car for a run, and to Dobbies i like it there love imagining what i would have i my garden if i had one, and admiring all the exotic fish and reptiles, was brilliant. In the evening i went to watch my younger brother play rugby which was fun, he played very well and they won! I walked home from the rugby to get my step count up, and that was another 4 miles under my belt.
Thursday was a rest day as was feeling the effects from the previous three days exertions.
Friday The weather was starting to get colder but bright along with it, which to be honest suits me far better than the heat of a good summer. I made it along the beach.
Yesterday was a great day, got a lovely surprise, two friends who i have known online for some time and who were supposed to be coming up to visit today decided the weather was too good to miss and came up to visit a day early, cue some frantic tidying as i am not the best at keeping on top of my housework, they are as lovely in person as the impression i got through our online conversations, and we settled in to blethering away like old friends who have known one another for years from the start, really was brilliant to meet them. I also got to spend some time with my friends who were recently married they both seem so happy and it was a delight to catch up with them as well, as is becoming a very bad habit, not catching up with my friends often enough, they don't live so far away, i need to make more of an effort.
Oh also this week clothes arrived that i had ordered, i bought them intending to put them away for when i lost a bit more weight, but low and behold they FIT! What a wonderful feeling and great motivation to get my arse back into gear.
All in all it has been a great week, and Nikki and John are here till Wednesday so more fun to be had i think.
I have one moan that i shall mention briefly and that is over my laptop, again the motherboard has failed, only one month on after it being fixed, fortunately the pc tech is honoring his word and the work needing done will fall under the warranty. It did make me search a good bit harder online though and discovered it is a much reported fault with HP and HP COMPAQ laptops, the nvidia chip burns out the motherboard within the first 1-2 years in 1 in 7 laptops i think it is shocking that such a company can get away with being so neglectful, in there treatment of there customers as too knowingly sell machines with this fault to the public, i fell very poorly treated and would urge people too avoid any HP product as they are a unsavoury bunch.

Otherwise fab week :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andy...

    Glad to hear you're back on track. Well Done you :)

    I heard a really meaningful quote the other day...

    "It may not be your choice to be down, but it's sure as hell your choice whether or not you get back up."

    Hope you have another great week xx
