Slow Week

Well this week has been a dull one, done very little due to man-flu issues, my mood has been level and good even though i've not left the flat very much at all.
Tuesday was my weigh in with weight watchers and i lost another pound and a half which is great as i really had done very little exercise at all, so that takes my weight loss total to 15 and 1/2 lbs in a month which i am bloody over the moon about!
Not expecting to lose much this week as it's not been a good week i've had the problem of being bored which always leads me too overeating and totally binging on the wrong kinds of foods too, in other words, i ate cake!!
And bloody tasty it was too, but i've been good most days and think that i should be ok.
My relationship with food has been an unhealthy one all my life, when i hurt myself as a child i was given a sweet to make it better and still associate sweets with comfort and safety. I started putting on weight when i started working as a chef and had to stop playing rugby, the weight slowly started to build.
It wasn't an issue until i was put on certain meds (Amatryptiline, Resperidone, Lithium) When i was on these pills i ballooned and could put on as much as two stone in a year. When i had a spell of good health i decided to try a break from my meds and slowly came off them all, the change was instant and lost 4 and 1/2 stone in under 6 months without really being on an actual diet, it was at that point something inside me panicked and i reverted to my old eating habits and it all piled back on with a little extra for good measure, what went wrong i have no idea, i just think i'd spent so long being fat that anything else was venturing in too the unknown and i was no good at that.
This time i'm much more determined and in a far more stable state of mind this time i will not arse it up!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andy,

    Love reading your blogs.

    You're doing great despite having that nasty man flu!

    Keep it up xxx
