Full Of It......

Well another week has flown past, glad to say the vast majority of it has been great!
The week started well with a relaxing walk on Sunday and visit to my parents in the evening, is always good to see them although my dad and brother were suffering from a heavy doze of a cold.
Tuesday was my weigh in and again had no anxiety over it as i knew i had lost a good bit of weight six and a half lbs to be exact, that's 15 and a half lbs in total was over the moon!
I had taken Terri(my dog) to parents on Tuesday to be looked after as Wednesday i had plans to go to Arran Tuesday night was a long one no sleep at all, prob due to anxiety over what i had planned for following day. As my plan was to go to Arran on my own, which was a rather big step for me as it meant the journey would include travelling on four trains a bus, and a ferry twice. I was doing it purely to prove to myself that i can get out travelling about and using public transport with little or no panic.  It worked :) even though i had no sleep i made it to and from Arran and went a lovely walk taking some good pictures on the road, all with barely any panic attacks at all.
Was a great day!
The next day Thursday, was a fat day i couldn't stop eating, i even fell for a half price trick with a pack of caramel shortcake enjoyed the first piece but not the rest so why did i eat the bloody things???? Anyway i wrote off Thursday to bad habits and promised myself that over the weekend things would go back to being good to myself and eating well. I have done so.
Got the start of a cold sorry..... Man-flu, on Friday and its gradually gotten worse, and is pretty much keeping me from my exercise routine which isn't so good, and for sure it will affect on my weigh in on Tuesday. Still hoping to lose though even if it's half a lb i'll be happy!
Anyway till next week :)