ehhh??? cant think of one.

Well another week has passed, rather swiftly, this one was a bit less eventful although i have still kept busy.
Have been going out good long walks, twice this week i walked from Troon to Ayr which is quite a demanding walk as a fair bit of it is on loose sand, which really makes the leg muscles burn.
Got weighed in at weightwatchers on Tuesday again and my sister came with this week and was definitely nice to have some company. I lost 3lbs last week taking my total loss to 9lbs which i really am happy about.
Another walk i have been doing is from my flat to Greenan castle and back which after tracking in found out is over 6 miles in distance which i was pleasantly surprised by.
I also got my wii fit back from my sister as she hadn't been using it, i love it is great for tracking my weight and i really hope it is accurate as if it is I'm in for quite a big weight loss this week, i have been jogging on the spot for up to 30 minutes at a time, which may not be anywhere near as demanding as going out a run, but is definitely a start which i intend to build on, to the point where I'm confident to go a jog in public. I also do the step workout and incorporate light weights into it to get my upper body working too.
The result of all this exercise isn't exhaustion as u might imagine but an enormous feeling of well being and a great increase in energy i no longer am happy just sitting about all day. Although i do need to remind myself that I'm still very overweight and need to take baby steps and most definitely rest days are needed.
My C.P.N Laura visited on Friday with a man who is to take over my case, he seems really nice and i'm actually quite looking forward to fresh imput, he has already offered to refer me too a local monthly walking group, which will put me in a 'safe' situation for meeting new people and getting out and about Ayr. I will definitely miss my chats with Laura but she is going to continue to visit for a month or two to finish the cognitive therapy she started so will get to say goodbye properly as over the 6 yrs she has been my c.p.n we have formed a friendship.
Anyway this week ahead will involve a lot more exercise and hopefully some travelling too, get weighed on Tuesday again and really got my fingers crossed for a good bit of weight loss.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Andy. It's great to see you taking such control of your life. Keep it up my friend :) xx
