Week Past

Been a week since i last wrote anything, and to be honest i did pretty much forget about this.
Anyway Monday past was a great day, we did go to Arran, myself, dad, brother and sister, wasn't the weather we had been hoping for but a great day was had. We went a walk in Whiting Bay, went to Glenashdale Falls, which are as beautiful as i remember and now they have added a road that let's u get to place called giants graves. Is also a beautiful place and an ancient burial site. I thought i would struggle with this as although i walk a lot i am not used to any sort of incline and these were steep paths. Pleased to say after catching my breath it was a joy no problem at all. we did the walk in under an hour which we were all pleased with.
Then we went for lunch which was lovely if a bit simple. On too Lamlash where we went too Arran Fine Foods where they sell all the Jams mustard's and cheese and the rest of the things they make locally on the island some lovely stuff, i bought a jar of marmalade flavoured with Arran whisky was guid!
The rest of the day was indulgence nice coffee a pint or two was had and then the journey home.
Tuesday was my first weigh in with weightwatchers, i was positive i had lost so no nerves this week and i was right i had lost 6lbs which i was over the moon about. Don't think i lose anywhere near that this week done a little less walking and a good bit more eating but still hoping to lose a pound or two.
The rest of the week was pretty mundane not a lot to do tight for cash due too Island prices :)
Still doing great though and as usual with any spell of good health i start thinking to the future, where do i go from here is always running through my mind, in the past when i'v had a few months of a level healthy mood i have jumped into starting work or some sort or studying, but this time i'm holding back a little as in those instances it's done me more long term harm than good, have worked for however long then relapsed to a position where i was worse off than before. So this time i'm going to enjoy being well for a while longer before reconsidering my situation. Whats the point in rushing into something i know might end up doing me more harm than good.
Anyway that's been my week :)

1 comment:

  1. Well done Andy, you have had a great week. Good luck at WW again this coming week. :) x
