In three's ???

Today has or yesterday rather looking at the time. Yesterday was a hectic day, as i wrote a few days ago i have successfully managed to break two laptops and then today as i was coming home from walking the dog, the mechanism in my front door broke don't know how or why it happened but left me completely unable to secure or even close my front door.
So i tried to get in touch with my landlady, but to no avail, there was no answer at the number i had for her. My brother kindly came out to lend his support and to allow me to walk the dog and get to the shops.
So we decided since we were stuck in and bored we would gut the flat starting one room at a time, which was great as it's so much easier to get motivated into cleaning when u have some company and Stuart really did work his ass off and has stayed for the night.
So although things today were a bit of a mess it really did turn into an enjoyable day and my mood at the moment is damn good, long may it last!
Sleep would be nice though :)