First Attempt

Hi today is another day, and my mood is good, no ups no downs which is fantastic!
 Was diagnosed bi-polar 8 years ago after three misdiagnosis, i hate the fact that there is no quick fix or even  permanent relief.
 Only a handful of medicines work for me and if they do there affect only lasts a few months, treatment resistant my doc calls it. So after trying meds alone for years i started looking into alternative therapies, my first try was with homeopathic treatment, unfortunately it didn't work for me so moved onto hypnotherapy. This worked wonders for me and after several sessions focusing on my anxiety and depression i was feeling more confident in myself than i could have ever hoped for.
 Now three years on, i still meet with that therapist (check if interested, i'm on testemonials page) we have developed a friendship and meet quite regularly for coffee and a chat.
 Way back in the first 3 years i spent quite a bit of time in and out of psychiatric wards, the first time was over my 21st birthday :( and have had to resort to E.C.T on two occasions both times the effects were fantastic though that didn't last either. I feel it has affected my memory there are incidents in my life i should remember but dont, it could just be from lack of stimulus my brain isn't used enough.
 Anyway i'll be using this blog to record my mood not everyday but often, things still get dark but on the whole i think i'm handling it well.