New Man!

So yeah, me again.

Has been a VERY long time since I last updated this blog.......... Not going to apologise, it's been due to my living life to the max, and although I do regret not maintaining my journal, I've been doing a lot to make up for it!

I don't foresee any need for any future entries, but you never know...

If anyone stumbles across this, I'd encourage you (If at all interested) to go back and read through my blog, things have changed a lot, and If you are struggling with mental health issues, take heart things can, and WILL get better, I am living proof!

Anyhoo, It's been years since my last update so this final post, I imagine will be a biggie.

In my last post, I'd moved into a new flat, been to weddings, started socialising, made new friends, lost weight, gained said lost weight again, but generally things were on the up!
Well since then I am sincerely delighted to say the upward track has become steeper and the rewards nothing short of spectacular.

I stayed in that flat for around a year and a half, then due to a change of circumstances had to move back into my family home, was nice to have that option, and as always I am hugely grateful to my parents for their support, and encouragement. Moving home, meant I was sharing again, and took a lot of getting used to after over a decade of living on my lonesome. It also meant my position on the council housing list took a great hike, and within six months I was offered a flat, in the centre of Ayr.
Which Is where I am sitting typing this.

During the stay at my folks, and also in the flat prior, I made a rather life changing decision.
After many years struggling with my weight, the yo-yo dieting, comfort eating, binge eating, etc etc I went in to my doctors to ask for advice. My GP inquired as to whether I had ever considered weight loss (bariatric) surgery (in truth I'd been looking into it, for months). I asked to be referred to the bariatric team, for more information.
Within a number of weeks, I had had my initial surgical consultation, and was accepted to join the education program, which would give me the skills, and information I would need to make the most from bariatric surgery.
At no point did I feel pressure, and was constantly reminded that it is my decision, and that even if I changed my mind walking to theatre, It was OK to say sorry but no.
The six week group, taught  us the do's and don't's surrounding surgery, post and pre op.
From the image, I began this post with, you can guess, that, yes, I chose to have the procedure carried out.
For those who think it a quick fix, or an easy way to lose weight........ I call your BS!
I went through what was a major, life threatening operation. I had a large percentage of my stomach removed by key-hole surgery. I was on a liquid diet pre and post op. I was prepared to, never be able to eat a "regular" portion of food again.

It is ten  months  since I had my Gastric Sleeve, and I truly am a new man, in total, from the beginning, after the initial consultation, I have lost around 11 stones in weight. 10 stones in a year!

So yes, rather significant changes have happened.

My usual up's and down's are no longer an issue, yes they are still there, but I am in complete control, I know how to bring myself out a slump before it becomes a meltdown.
No longer do I suffer anxiety attack on buses, in shops, on trains, in fact I am confident and care-free in every aspect of my life, that I can think of right now......

Towards the end of 2013 I began volunteering in the tearoom of my local hospital, this increased my confidence enough to take on a p/t job working in a friends cafe, I hugely enjoyed both these roles, and appreciated the chance to get back into work.
Unfortunately I did begin to suffer some anxiety whilst working in the cafe, and after consideration believed it was in my best interests to not continue working there, and to put my catering days firmly behind me.

It was a mild and temporary set back, and I am now looking to become a be-friender, I think supporting individuals in the community would be a great step forward for me and would hopefully open up pathways in to similar, paid care positions.

Whilst living with my parents, and as I shrank in body size, I grew in confidence. I felt more lonely than in a number of years. I had been single for a very long time (10+yrs!!!).

After the break up of my last relationship, I completely removed that aspect of my life. My previous girlfriend (who I still treasure as a good mate) towards the end of our relationship, was no longer my g/f, but more-so my carer.
I knew that I had to get myself better, stronger, and stable before even looking for another partner.

When I was living at home my finances weren't as tight, and I decided to subscribe to a dating site, I was rather dubious to say the least but, the old route of meeting girls in bars/clubs wasn't an attractive option.

I went through a few 'getting to know each other' via the sites contact options, and met a couple of very nice girls, though for one reason or another things didn't 'click'.

Then after giving up on someone. She had broke communication with me even though it seemed we were quite well matched, she got back in touch asking to continue the chatting.
I was more than happy to do so, and shortly after we had our first date.
That was a little under three months  ago, and I can truly say, I am so glad she did get back in touch.
I am incredibly happy to have met her, and look forward to every moment I get to spend with her.

I am actually just recently back from visiting my 'new friends' down in England, and she came with me, we also went camping in Yorkshire on our journey home.

In fact it was passing on  the link to her, and letting her read this blog, that prompted me to write this post, and I guess tie things up.

Draw a line under my mental health issues and move on. So thanks Helen.

Many other things have happened, I've continued to socialise, I've been to more weddings, gained more new friends, and generally grown as a person, thriving on whatever new experience comes my way...

So yeah........ I guess looking back through my previous entries in this blog, I am a new man, enjoying a better life than I could previously have imagined.

Even better, I anticipate it doing nothing apart from getting even more wonderful.

To anyone who may be struggling with life.......... If I can get to where I am now.......... Hang on in there, as you will as well!

Andy D.


 Taken June 2014........................................................