HappyNew Year

So this is 2011, has been quite some time since my last blog, things have not been going so well for me of late, been hiding myself away from everything.
It is not a bad relapse just enough to knock me on my arse, been feeling very lethargic which soaks all the enjoyment out of the things that i have been loving doing, no photography, as every picture i take is shit, had also stopped chatting on twitter and facebook, which may not seem like that bad a thing to many people, but when  your contact with others is as limited as mine is, social media sites are usually a god send. When i back off from those it is definitely a sign that things are not going so well.
I have also not returned to weightwatchers, i just have not felt up to it, the thought of going in and putting on weight week by week as i am doing at the moment does not appeal to me.
Today is the start of a new year though so if things are going to change it should be now right??!
The only person who can alter my current situation is myself so today i intend to start that ball rolling, by going a good walk, will be interesting to see how much fitness i have lost over the past month or two of inactivity.
So please wish me  luck :~)
I hope 2011 contains as much joy and positive progress for everyone as 2010 did for me, just a bugger things took a wee nose dive towards the end, ach well back to it i guess
Andy xx