ehhh??? cant think of one.

Well another week has passed, rather swiftly, this one was a bit less eventful although i have still kept busy.
Have been going out good long walks, twice this week i walked from Troon to Ayr which is quite a demanding walk as a fair bit of it is on loose sand, which really makes the leg muscles burn.
Got weighed in at weightwatchers on Tuesday again and my sister came with this week and was definitely nice to have some company. I lost 3lbs last week taking my total loss to 9lbs which i really am happy about.
Another walk i have been doing is from my flat to Greenan castle and back which after tracking in found out is over 6 miles in distance which i was pleasantly surprised by.
I also got my wii fit back from my sister as she hadn't been using it, i love it is great for tracking my weight and i really hope it is accurate as if it is I'm in for quite a big weight loss this week, i have been jogging on the spot for up to 30 minutes at a time, which may not be anywhere near as demanding as going out a run, but is definitely a start which i intend to build on, to the point where I'm confident to go a jog in public. I also do the step workout and incorporate light weights into it to get my upper body working too.
The result of all this exercise isn't exhaustion as u might imagine but an enormous feeling of well being and a great increase in energy i no longer am happy just sitting about all day. Although i do need to remind myself that I'm still very overweight and need to take baby steps and most definitely rest days are needed.
My C.P.N Laura visited on Friday with a man who is to take over my case, he seems really nice and i'm actually quite looking forward to fresh imput, he has already offered to refer me too a local monthly walking group, which will put me in a 'safe' situation for meeting new people and getting out and about Ayr. I will definitely miss my chats with Laura but she is going to continue to visit for a month or two to finish the cognitive therapy she started so will get to say goodbye properly as over the 6 yrs she has been my c.p.n we have formed a friendship.
Anyway this week ahead will involve a lot more exercise and hopefully some travelling too, get weighed on Tuesday again and really got my fingers crossed for a good bit of weight loss.


Week Past

Been a week since i last wrote anything, and to be honest i did pretty much forget about this.
Anyway Monday past was a great day, we did go to Arran, myself, dad, brother and sister, wasn't the weather we had been hoping for but a great day was had. We went a walk in Whiting Bay, went to Glenashdale Falls, which are as beautiful as i remember and now they have added a road that let's u get to place called giants graves. Is also a beautiful place and an ancient burial site. I thought i would struggle with this as although i walk a lot i am not used to any sort of incline and these were steep paths. Pleased to say after catching my breath it was a joy no problem at all. we did the walk in under an hour which we were all pleased with.
Then we went for lunch which was lovely if a bit simple. On too Lamlash where we went too Arran Fine Foods where they sell all the Jams mustard's and cheese and the rest of the things they make locally on the island some lovely stuff, i bought a jar of marmalade flavoured with Arran whisky was guid!
The rest of the day was indulgence nice coffee a pint or two was had and then the journey home.
Tuesday was my first weigh in with weightwatchers, i was positive i had lost so no nerves this week and i was right i had lost 6lbs which i was over the moon about. Don't think i lose anywhere near that this week done a little less walking and a good bit more eating but still hoping to lose a pound or two.
The rest of the week was pretty mundane not a lot to do tight for cash due too Island prices :)
Still doing great though and as usual with any spell of good health i start thinking to the future, where do i go from here is always running through my mind, in the past when i'v had a few months of a level healthy mood i have jumped into starting work or some sort or studying, but this time i'm holding back a little as in those instances it's done me more long term harm than good, have worked for however long then relapsed to a position where i was worse off than before. So this time i'm going to enjoy being well for a while longer before reconsidering my situation. Whats the point in rushing into something i know might end up doing me more harm than good.
Anyway that's been my week :)


Shrinking ???

So Tuesday past i joined weight watchers, took a fair amount of courage going in as i was on my own, as I'm not so good at dealing with situations which involve strangers or strange surroundings, and this featured both of these elements. Was fine though. I was the only male there but that wasn't an issue as the women were welcoming and friendly was a very positive experience.
That day i walked probably around 6 or 7 miles and the next two days were the same then i guess my exertions caught up with me as the past two days have been very lazy as i was so tired only managing very short walks, but today i went out to visit my parents, took my dog as they are looking after her for the next two nights as for a change i actually have plans! Whilst i was there my brother brought down wrist weights for me too use whilst walking and asked if i wanted a couple of plastic moulded weights he doesn't use anymore, i said yes please.
So i decided to walk home from Kincaidston, and was sure i could manage with the wrist weights on (only 2lbs each) and the two dumbbells in my backpack roughly 3 kg each, now that's not a lot of weight but when u consider i already carry around over 8 stones of extra padding around with me it all adds up..... adds up to one incredibly shattered 29 year old who is now thinking it was a not so good idea! But i did manage the 4.6 miles home so quite pleased with myself :)
So my plans for the next two days, an early train to Ardrossan tomorrow morning to catch the ferry to Arran for a day out with my sister, brother, and dad. Which will be loads of fun especially as it is forecast for another lovely day.
Then Tuesday is my next weigh in with weight watchers at 9am and then I'm off up to Glasgow to meet Lindy for a coffee and a hypnotherapy session which will be great :)
All of this is happening to someone who less than 3 yrs ago would barely leave his flat, and would not go anywhere on his own.
It's fab!!!!!!!!



Yes today after 8 nights of unlock able door, it's fixed! Never thought such an obvious necessity would take over a week to get fixed but boy oh boy the relief and utter joy now that it's done WOOO HOOOO!
Just sod's law it's p'ing down outside and i have no inclination to go anywhere now that i can.
Anyway i have been quite impressed with myself for handling the situation on my own, and glad that it didnt need to go as far as making official complaint and whatnot as my land lady is a nice person and was just out to save a small fortune , unfortunatly it was at my expence.
Today a friend of mine is going in for an operation so 'm going to go and meditate on his well being and quick recovery.


Another Day

So today was the day my door was supposed to be getting fixed. No joy there yet again, disappointingly the part needed is going to take two day's to arrive, so another two day's of feeling ill at at ease and incredibly bored due to the forced confinement but hey!
So I've been being pro-active and searching the net for housing advice, as i want to move on from this place, it's served me well but I'm not happy with the recent treatment from the landlady.
It seems though that to get any chance of a council property i need to make myself homeless, which is not an appealing thought as I'd have to accept the first property they offer me which could be anywhere. There seems to be plenty of provisions for drug addicts and alcoholics, but not a lot of options for people with mental health problems. If i was to be given a property in a rough/noisy/troublesome area then it really could affect my illness as it did when i had some not so nice neighbours living above me a few years ago, almost was forced into being a witness in a domestic abuse case, which was a very stressful time for me. The wife would have had my sympathy if she hadn't burst her husbands nose open the night before with a frying pan (such a cliche).
Anyway that kind of thing is why i wont be making myself homeless unless there's some sort of provision for people who need secure and stable accomodation, cant risk living beside a drug dealer/user. Seems to be a gap in the support system there.
Anyway dog is looking hungrily at me better go.


Cheapskate Landlords

Well it's been a couple of day's since my last post, and four day's since my front door broke. I'm still unable to lock my door which is a bit of a bugger, feeling a bit anxious and paranoid about it, waiting on some big axe weilding maniac to come clattering in (not quite).
Feel a litttle bit hard done too as i'v lived in this flat with same landlords for five and a half years and had to call them out for very little, so would have appreciated a quick resolution of this situation, but not to be. A joiner is coming tomorrow at 10am to fit a new door so fingers crossed for that.
Altough i'v had quite a few things happen recently that in years past would have knocked me off kilter, maybe put me in a downward depressive spiral, that has not happened, i'm sleeping well and downright jolly :o)
It never used to take much too put me into a downer, but nowadays i'm feeling much stronger and more in control, is great.
Oh and it looks like my bad luck run is over as i managed to fix the laptop sent to me by my friends, and now have the internet at my disposal :) My own machine is in for repair.


In three's ???

Today has or yesterday rather looking at the time. Yesterday was a hectic day, as i wrote a few days ago i have successfully managed to break two laptops and then today as i was coming home from walking the dog, the mechanism in my front door broke don't know how or why it happened but left me completely unable to secure or even close my front door.
So i tried to get in touch with my landlady, but to no avail, there was no answer at the number i had for her. My brother kindly came out to lend his support and to allow me to walk the dog and get to the shops.
So we decided since we were stuck in and bored we would gut the flat starting one room at a time, which was great as it's so much easier to get motivated into cleaning when u have some company and Stuart really did work his ass off and has stayed for the night.
So although things today were a bit of a mess it really did turn into an enjoyable day and my mood at the moment is damn good, long may it last!
Sleep would be nice though :)